Sunday, May 2, 2010

That's the economic stimulus package for Cologne

Cologne - In the Council, it came on Tuesday for money to a lot of money. And for once the 90 times Ratspolitiker could distribute money instead of save.
This is enabled by the Economic Stimulus Package II of the Federal Government. For Cologne is in the first round by a whopping 57 million euros.
They must now among the people so that the economy will be boosted. If it were up to the Chamber, would only Cologne's businesses for the jobs in question.
But with the funded projects, the government has made precise specifications. An example: What hope for many of Cologne, namely the rehabilitation of ailing roads, according to the federal law expressly prohibited.
Similarly, large-scale projects in the master plan of Albert Speer as the completion of the green belt or new pedestrian bridges are not make across the Rhine.
Meanwhile, 70 percent need to be invested millions in education, for example in the rehabilitation and expansion of schools and nurseries. Approximately one third are for the improvement of the infrastructure provided, such as the expansion of broadband Internet network and the noise.
Total benefits Cologne with around 100 million euros from the Economic Stimulus Package II On dienstagverteilten the Ratsapolitiker in a first round more than half, 57 million euros.
EXPRESS lists who gets what. Schools, kindergartens, sports facilities, fire stations, VHS has rooms and museums - the list but not completely.
What you will receive KiTas and Schools: Click here> And also benefit from these facilities: Here> Click