Saturday, May 8, 2010

RTL-Bauer finally deflowered

Rendsburg - One of the saddest chapters in German TV history is over. Jürgen agriculturalists, known from the RTL show "Farmer Wants a Wife" is finally not a virgin. As one says so beautiful? At 41, life is just beginning right ...
In the dome show Jurgen had not exactly covered itself with glory. At the first encounter with his former love, he attested candidate: "A little thinner would have been nice ..."
But now everything has changed: He is, according to Julia, "Bild am Sonntag" nurse, 31 years old, blond, and above all "very slim". Clearly, that madcap Jürgen sent to ask themselves as not twice.
"No, I'm not a virgin," he told the Bild am Sonntag strutting with his chest. "And it was not so bad at all - quite the opposite," said Juergen further.
Germany breathes again. Now Romeo Jürgen starts at last with his Juliet in a rosy future.
The Late-deflowered smitten: "I have already visited three days long, and she was with me in the yard. My parents are very enthusiastic about it and can imagine the smooth that it is time her daughter. I'm looking forward, Julia, at Pentecost, when I look around again. "
Read also:
And so it went in the other RTL farmers