Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rafinha threatens Hammer punishment!

Gelsenkirchen - Rafinha was true to his announcement on Monday, missing the departure of his Schalke team for training camp in the Austrian Stegersbach. He wants the Brazilian national team on Tuesday to Paris and then to Olympia.
Andreas Mueller was served. "What should I do? We can not even pay in handcuffs, "said the manager, and announced a hammer penalty against the 22-year-olds:
"He is our player and has) a long term contract (until 2010; d. Red. And it has happened for the first time that a player makes a decision arbitrarily against the demands of the club. This has a different quality than when one of two days late for training. "
A fine will probably get the Brazilians in every case whether there is also a warning, is not clear. A Rauswurf not available when the EXPRESS information in the room.
 The DFL is now considering whether players who can come without the consent of the clubs to Beijing for the Olympics will be blocked.
Perhaps in the case of Bremen, Diego, Marco Pantelic in the case of Berlin or Hamburg, in the case Vincent Kompany play like it alone.