Friday, April 2, 2010

At least 55 dead in bomb attack in Baghdad

BAGHDAD - Just one week before the scheduled withdrawal of U.S. troops from all Iraqi cities and villages are at einemBombenanschlag more than 55 people were killed.
According to common sense were ausSicherheitskräfte final here on Wednesday evening 116th
An eyewitness reported that in a crowded marketplace imvor populated mainly by Shiite eastern district of Sadr City seiein explosive device under a motorcycle transport, as they are detonated by Händlernbenutzt. It was one of the worst attacks indiesem years in the Iraqi capital.
The assassin could thus get them to safety before the vehicle exploded. Among the dead and injured were many women and children, said an Interior Ministry official.
In recent days, has a new wave of terror the Irakerfasst. The government sees them in connection with the withdrawal of troops Derus. They will have until the end of the month leaving the towns and villages and withdrew to bases outside.
Diejüngsten attacks foment the fears of men in front of a möglichenVerschlechterung the security situation after the withdrawal. The irakischeRegierung shows, however, convinced that they get the security situation inden handle.