Monday, April 26, 2010

Second division FC Augsburg as a coach to see Movers

Cologne - Reverses Andreas Rettig already in the upcoming season before a return by 1 FC Cologne? If one of a Reuters poll among the second league coaches believe it already. They look Rettig FC Augsburg as a surprise ascension favorites!
Is it true that the majority of the 18 second league coach called the team of coach Jos Luhukay as possible Movers.
Luginger Rot-Weiss Oberhausen goes even further: "Augsburg master. You have a good team and with Jos Luhukay very good coach."
Also Andreas Zach Huber (Rostock), Ewald Lienen (1860), Holger Stanislawski (FC St. Pauli), Peter Neururer (MSV Duisburg), Stefan Emmerling (Rot Weiss Ahlen), Benno Möhlmann (SpVgg GreutherFürth) and Jürgen Seeberger (Alemannia Aachen) tap the Swabians.
The upheaval in Augsburg is obvious. Whopping 45 million euros for the FCA built a new stadium jewelry. 13 players left the club, eleven new ones hired. Including experienced Bundesliga players like Simon Jentzsch (Wolfsburg, Germany) and Benjani Mwaruwari (Gladbach, HSV).

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bonn's master chef

Bonn - One thing is certain: If he becomes an expert, they build him a monument in Bonn. Mike Koch, in his third year head coach of the Telekom Baskets, stands in front of his coronation.
It would be the first title ever for the Telekom Baskets Bonn. It would be the first title for Mike Koch as head coach. As a player, he has songs like no other German basketball player.
Six times German champion with Leverkusen and Bayreuth, with four times Greek champions Panathinaikos.
The dates in the finals here>
In 2000 he won with Athens, the European League. And in 1993 he managed the national team of the very great litter: In Munich, he became European Champion.
"Since I am a trainer in Bonn, we have always evolving," says Koch. That's true. In November 2005 he took over the team from the controversial coach Daniel Jusup.
In 2006, the team failed in the playoff quarter-finals at Bamberg, just like a year later. Last season, then the sensational final lap as the main entrance seventh. And this year?
"Sure, we want to be champions," says Koch. "When you're in the final, it would be absurd to say that second place would be great." His words chosen by the 43-year-old from accurate.
Like his players. "It is very important that the guys together in character that one has no bad egg in the nest. And that we had in Bonn, in my time ever, "said the man who as a player is an excellent three-point shooter was.
Players hitting times over the traces, like Brandon Bowman, and Vincent Yarbrough (lost her license for alcohol-rides), clarified the matter internally cooking, without fanfare. His boys would like to thank him, to pay back the trust. Bowman and Yarbrough, both are in good shape for weeks.
You want to help everyone, so that at the end of the season, the title goes to Bonn - and Michael Koch to Bonner basketball legend.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cameron Douglas orders a heroin into court

New York - Cameron Douglas, son of U.S. actor Michael Douglas, has burdened further.
Most recently, he was arrested for possession of illegal drugs in New York (EXPRESS.DE reported>).
On Monday, it has now caught his girlfriend. She is said to have smuggled heroin in the 30-year-olds in a New York courthouse. The report of the U.S. network, NBC.
The seven grams of heroin were hidden in the battery compartment of an electric toothbrush. Kelly Sott her boyfriend had given to them after his hearing.
Blown up the whole thing because of an employee of a private security firm, a telephone call from Douglas and his girlfriend had been listening. Accordingly, the actor was very worried when he would finally get a toothbrush.
In the hotel room of friend are according to the magazine "People" later heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana has been ensured.
Cameron Douglas had already failed in the past for drug offenses. End of July he was arrested for possession of nearly half a pound of methamphetamine. In addition, he is said to have operated a well-organized drug trafficking between New York and Los Angeles. The program is designed to methamphetamine has also been sent by regular courier times. Douglas is convicted, he faces a prison sentence of ten years to life.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rafinha threatens Hammer punishment!

Gelsenkirchen - Rafinha was true to his announcement on Monday, missing the departure of his Schalke team for training camp in the Austrian Stegersbach. He wants the Brazilian national team on Tuesday to Paris and then to Olympia.
Andreas Mueller was served. "What should I do? We can not even pay in handcuffs, "said the manager, and announced a hammer penalty against the 22-year-olds:
"He is our player and has) a long term contract (until 2010; d. Red. And it has happened for the first time that a player makes a decision arbitrarily against the demands of the club. This has a different quality than when one of two days late for training. "
A fine will probably get the Brazilians in every case whether there is also a warning, is not clear. A Rauswurf not available when the EXPRESS information in the room.
 The DFL is now considering whether players who can come without the consent of the clubs to Beijing for the Olympics will be blocked.
Perhaps in the case of Bremen, Diego, Marco Pantelic in the case of Berlin or Hamburg, in the case Vincent Kompany play like it alone.

Friday, April 2, 2010

At least 55 dead in bomb attack in Baghdad

BAGHDAD - Just one week before the scheduled withdrawal of U.S. troops from all Iraqi cities and villages are at einemBombenanschlag more than 55 people were killed.
According to common sense were ausSicherheitskräfte final here on Wednesday evening 116th
An eyewitness reported that in a crowded marketplace imvor populated mainly by Shiite eastern district of Sadr City seiein explosive device under a motorcycle transport, as they are detonated by Händlernbenutzt. It was one of the worst attacks indiesem years in the Iraqi capital.
The assassin could thus get them to safety before the vehicle exploded. Among the dead and injured were many women and children, said an Interior Ministry official.
In recent days, has a new wave of terror the Irakerfasst. The government sees them in connection with the withdrawal of troops Derus. They will have until the end of the month leaving the towns and villages and withdrew to bases outside.
Diejüngsten attacks foment the fears of men in front of a möglichenVerschlechterung the security situation after the withdrawal. The irakischeRegierung shows, however, convinced that they get the security situation inden handle.