Sunday, March 21, 2010

Attack with a daughter by the hand

Washington - Robert Daniel Webb walked comfortably to checkout in a supermarket in the U.S. capital Washington. In his hand he held his nine-year old daughter. But when he came to the checkout, he chased the employee up a huge shock. Then suddenly the cashier had a gun in his face.
"Open the till and give me everything you have," said the man with the gun. His daughter was a step behind her father, waiting patiently.
The cashier gave the robber also equal to the justification for his attack. $ 200 at which he (around 150 €) captured. "I'm unemployed, my daughter is to survive." The cashier told police that the reasoning of Webb had sounded almost apologetic. Webb worked in the eyewear industry, before he lost his job. The father of nine year old daughter will also have alcohol problems.
Dumb only that a security camera filmed the entire scene. Webb is clearly visible in the pictures, and his name is so well known to the police. Now the police are looking for the father-daughter team.